When using this cookbook please do take your time and read through each step.
Each page has a spice rating as well as a note stating if it is vegetarian or not. The book took me 4 years to write. Yes four years! you must be thinking why? Well I work full time as a college lecturer which is great but also takes up a lot of time. I also work part time as a fitness instructor teaching spin classes, aqua classes, fitball and personal train.
This book was also created with a good friend named Paul Parsons. Paul is also a college lecturer and owns a successful graphics company Paul Urban Gallery. Working with Paul has been great. The creation of the road from Karachi started from finding my mothers cook book which she created in the 1980s. The recipes have been used as well as new ones to give it an authentic and modern feel.
There is a youtube channel which I will be uploading new cookery videos for you. Subscribe to the channel to be notified of new recipes.